I was tagged by Saim & Richa to write down any 25 random things about me. Some of u may be aware of a couple of them and some are new things that u never knew about me. So here they are:
- I am extremely moody. My mood swings are so unpredictable that sometimes it may remain the same throughout the day or it may also change several times in an hour!
- Although I am very approachable, I don�t talk to people so easily. And if the vibes are not right then I would probably never talk to that person again.
- I had my first crush when I was 5 yrs old! And if I start counting the number of crushes that I have had so far, my bf will faint :P
- I try to find humor in everything, even in the worst scenarios. I think it�s my way of lightening up the atmosphere. :)
- I am very hard to please (pun intended) and I can be very demanding at times.
- I am proud of what I am and anybody who doesn�t respect me for what I am doesn�t have a place in my life.
- Somewhat related to point no. 6, a lot of people have told me that they found me snobbish and arrogant when they first met. However, they were all proved wrong in due course of time. Whoever said first impression is the last impression!
- I love to sing (which most of u know by now) and I seem to have a song for every situation.
- When I am upset I can be the most sarcastic person that u have ever met! My sarcasm has no bounds when I am angry.
- My alternate ambitions so far have been to be: an astronaut, a singer, a movie critic, a chef, an anchor in a travel show, a psychotherapist and an actress. :)
- I don�t have a sweet tooth; I have a sweet jaw line. Despite that I have been able to control my cravings to the extent that I haven�t finished the Hershey chocolates that have been lying in my fridge from the past 3 weeks!!
- I am very touchy and sensitive, so I get very easily hurt especially if the person is close to me.
- I listen to music whenever I am happy, sad, angry, hurt, upset, irritated��just about any time.
- I don�t fall asleep so easily, it takes me a minimum of ten minutes to fall asleep after going to bed. And the most difficult thing for me is to wake up the next morning!
- I get thoughts of going on a long vacation at least once a week. Like I want to go on one right now! :D
- I don�t believe in the saying �Forgive and forget�. I might forgive a person but I can never forget! Blame it on to my photographic memory.
- I hate watching horror movies but sometimes I do end up watching them owing to my curious nature which results in terrible nightmares! ;)
- Blogging is one of the few things that I took up on pure impulse. And I never thought that I would last for so long.
- I am a very good cook but I hardly cook! :P Blame it on my lazy bones. I
- love to learn new dance forms and exercises, like as of now I am dying to learn: Salsa, Jive, Belly Dancing, Ashtanga yoga, Tai chi and Pilates.
- I rate personal hygiene very high in my list of must haves and therefore I hate people who appear to be unkempt and clumsy.
- I don�t have one favorite color; my favorite colors are Black, Blue, Purple and Deep Red.
- I can spend a whole day on the beach without getting bored or without having anything much to do.
- I am very restless as a person and I just can�t sit idle on weekends. That�s why I plan my weekends well in advance.
- I like to be organized and I try to inspire the people around me to get more organized in life.
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