Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

The Me you do not See

I smile, I charm, I walk away
"What a happy girl", to others you say,
"She's got a great life, no worries, she's free"
Little do you know - there's a me you do not see

The me that cries, and mourns the loss
of the me I should be, the me I was
The happy person you think I am
Is lost forever, my life, a sham

A survivor indeed, that's what they would call me
What an inspiration, she lived to tell her story
Sadly I feel, a victim I'll always be
Only you'll never know�
That�s the me you do not see.

Found this poem on the Internet, couldn't help but post it here...it's dedicated to all those women who have been sexually assaulted in some way or the other during their life time.

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